Alpienne massage

Foot reflexology massage

Foot reflexology massage

By applying pressure to specific areas of the feet, the body and mind are relaxed and brought into balance. Reflexology massage also promotes the self-healing power of the body.

CHF 70€ 73,68

(20 MIN)
CHF 120€ 126,32

(50 MIN)
Relaxing Massage with St. John’s Wort

Relaxing Massage with St. John’s Wort

The relaxing massage uses the natural power of pure herbs to revitalise nerves and recover your inner peace. A handmade mash of wild St. John’s wort and chamomile, made to a traditional recipe, promotes circulation, firms the tissue and calms irritated skin and nerves.

CHF 70€ 73,68

(20 MIN)
CHF 120€ 126,32

(50 MIN)
CHF 170€ 178,95

(75 MIN)
Massage with Marmot Oil and Balsam

Massage with Marmot Oil and Balsam

Regenerating care therapy for muscles and joints. The massage is based on the well-known effects of highly concentrated, handmade oily extracts from marmot fat as well as laurel leaves. Particularly tired muscles and joints will benefit from this massage. Even blemished skin prone to inflammation will love the calming and intensively regenerating properties of the oil.

CHF 70€ 73,68

(20 MIN)
CHF 120€ 126,32

(50 MIN)
CHF 170€ 178,95

(75 MIN)
Alpinmassage mit Honig und Zirbe

Alpinmassage mit Honig und Zirbe

The alpine massage with honey pine massage milk provides well-being and beautiful moments. The wonderful aroma of pine and pure natural mountain bee honey ensure relaxation of the stressed body and mind. Extracts of the honeycombs, forest berries and propolis nurture your skin with a soothing cocktail of antioxidants and nutrients. The circulation is stimulated, tensions are relieved, and it leaves your skin plumper, radiant and stronger.

CHF 70€ 73,68

(20 MIN)
CHF 120€ 126,32

(50 MIN)
CHF 170€ 178,95

(75 MIN)
Vitalising Massage with Mountain Arnica and Tonic

Vitalising Massage with Mountain Arnica and Tonic

CHF 70€ 73,68

(20 MIN)
CHF 120€ 126,32

(50 MIN)
CHF 170€ 178,95

(50 MIN)
+41 81 861 9500

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